
Molloy Punished for TCDSU Elections Campaign Breach
Molloy brought the breach to the Electoral Commission’s attention himself.

Trinity Staff ‘Ashamed’ of Arts Block
Numerous staff have spoken out about their issues with much-maligned building.

Trinity Crams for Exam Changes, Citing Space Concerns
With the new year structure, students could have to sit more than two exams per day, with some in the evening.

Head of Law School, Oran Doyle, to Step Down
His replacement, most likely Prof Mark Bell, will be elected within the next two weeks.

GSU to Lobby College on ‘Transparent’ Fee Structure
The motion was passed at GSU council this evening.

SFI Launches New Research Programme
The new SFI programme Enable was launched today in Dublin.

Hist Members Call for Farage Cancellation
An open letter, signed by 23 people so far, was published this evening.

As College Grasps for Exam Space, Frustrations Grow in the GMB
As space for exams shrink, College is considering using new off-campus locations as well as the Berkeley Library.

Women’s Clubs Shortchanged in Funding Decisions
Women's clubs consistently receive less funding from DUCAC than their male counterparts.

Science Gallery Café to Defy College’s Coca-Cola Deal
The popular cafe will start selling other brands, after a months-long battle with Coca-Cola.