
HSE to Run Vaccination Clinic on Campus
The service will target students who have not had the chance to get the jab.

Social Distancing in College to be Scrapped by October 22nd
The government is set to end most coronavirus restrictions on October 22nd.

Scanlon Orders GSU Board to Resign in ‘Unconstitutional’ Move
Scanlon said that the board’s current term is up but according to the GSU constitution the members can seek a second term.

Staff Under ‘Unprecedented Pressure’ With Continuation of Online Learning
Most students have a combination of online and in-person classes this semester.

Student Leaders ‘Raise the Roof’ on Housing Crisis
Campaigners in the Raise the Roof group called for 'housing for students, not for profit'.

Students Dropping Out Due to Lack of Accommodation, Says USI
The USI will today join a demonstration at the Dáil as part of the Raise the Roof campaign for affordable housing.

IUA Calls for €900m Package for Third Level in Budget 2022
The lobby group’s pre-budget submission asks for over €418 million in extra core funding.

Trinity Launches New National Consent Programme
The Together Consent Outreach Programme was launched by TD and Trinity lecturer Ivana Bacik.

Trinity Legal Experts Question Handling of Data in Pandemic Decisions
A report has found that it is difficult to determine whether data protection laws have been followed during the pandemic.

Petition Launched to Refund Students With No In-Person Lectures
The petition has been signed by over 350 people.