Comment & Analysis

Agus a Céad Théarma Críochnaithe, ba Cheart do Linda Doyle a Machnamh a Dhéanamh
Bhí forógra Doyle bunaithe ar chur chun cinn trédhearcachta agus chomhoibrithe sa Tríonóid.

Lamenting the Christmas Traditions of a Pre-Covid Era
This Christmas will be round two in the pandemic journal, and the thought of smiling through traditions that barely resemble the pre-pandemic iteration is a tough one to swallow, writes Sophie Coffey.

Bliain eile Fágtha Siar agus Gual i Stoca Earnáil an Ardoideachais Arís
Gheall an tAire Ardoideachas Simon Harris go mbeadh cinneadh déanta ar Cassells roimh dheireadh na bliana, ach fós níl rian ann de.

The Toils of Final Year Have Turned Me Into a Grinch
My supreme gift-giving skills are likely to be relegated to ‘average’ this year as I trade festivities for dissertation writing, writes Caoimhe Weakliam.

As Her First Semester as Provost Concludes, Linda Doyle Should Take Stock
Doyle's manifesto was rooted in a commitment to make Trinity more transparent and collaborative.

2021: Another Year of Coal in the Higher Education Sector’s Stocking
Minister for Higher Education Simon Harris promised he would make a decision on the Cassells report by the end of the year, but he has yet to do so.

Beidh 2,000 Mac Léinn nua an Bhliain seo Chugainn. An bhfuil Plean ann Dóibh?
Tuarann buiséad na Tríonóide don bhliain 2022 ardú ar líon na mac léinn go tuairim is 20,000 mac léinn

Má Tá an GSU ag Iarraidh Obair le Fochéimithe, ba Cheart dó Obair leis an TCDSU
Vótáil an GSU chun tacaíocht oifigiúil a thabhairt don ghrúpa imill Students4Change

Playing ‘Sims 4: Discover University’ is Akin to Sheepishly Looking in a Mirror
The game perfectly manufactures the sense of chaos that goes with the college experience, writes Kate Moran

Trinity’s Student Numbers are to Rise by 2,000. Has College Thought it Through?
Trinity's budget for 2022 includes a projected increase in student numbers to just over 20,000