Foilsíodh tuairisc Cassells i 2016 agus tá tuairisc ar anailís an Coimisiún Eorpach le folisiú san fhómhar.
Chuir an Lárchoiste Caipitíochta maoiniú an GSU ar fionraí go dtí go mbeidh gearáin óna EGM i mí Aibreáin freagartha aige.
The Capitation Committee this week suspended funding to the GSU until it addresses complaints concerning its April EGM.
By The Editorial Board
The Cassells report was published in 2016 and a report on the European Commission’s analysis on the document is due in the autumn.
By The Editorial Board
College's Board Review Working Group has written its final report on proposed changes to Trinity's most senior decision-making body.
By The Editorial Board
The government said this week that students who claimed the Pandemic Unemployment Payment will not be disqualified from the SUSI grant.
By The Editorial Board
Remove the Nasty Gal swimwear and the picturesque villa and you’ll find the antics of Love Island look a lot like the perils of student romance, writes Caoimhe Weakliam.
By Caoimhe Weakliam
Activists don't have to be experts on every problem in every country, but the problems in eastern Europe deserve more attention from Irish people, writes Aoibh Ní Chroimín.
By Aoibh Ní Chroimín
Mhol grúpa scríofa an bhunreachta nua beart ina mbeidh cead ag mic léinn scaradh ón TCDSU.
D’fhógair an IUA agus an THEA an tseachtain seo go mbeidh leachtaí go fóill curtha ar fáil ar líne.
By mBord Eagarthóireachta