
DU Film Society Presents The Film Network
Amy Chappelhow looks ahead to a weekend of networking, panel discussions and much more.

Society Spotlight: DU Gender Equality
Jedidja Stael, chairperson of DUGES, writes about the society that strives for gender equality both on campus and beyond.

Spotlight On: Pool Soc
Paul Dunne reveals one of the GMB's best-kept secrets.

Dreadful / Stinging / Gorse
Brónach Rafferty reviews an evening of live readings from a culmination of Dublin's greatest literary magazines.

Speaking with
Beasts and Gods – An Interview With Roslyn Fuller
Luke O'Reilly speaks with author and acadamic, Roslyn Fuller, about the state of democracy in Ireland today.

Film Fatale Brings Old Hollywood to Life
Jennifer Wilson explores Dublin’s homage to Hollywood’s Golden Age

Why Irish Design Matters
Carla King-Molina explores through the various initiatives undertaken as part of ID2015 and Karen Hennessy tells us why Irish Design is so important.

A Minimalist Legacy
Will Dunleavy reviews Beowulf: The Blockbuster, the one man production that documents the intimate relationship between a dying father and his son.

Out of Our Radius: Jeanne Lanvin Exhibition at the Palais Galliera
Fionnuala Egan explores the Lanvin exhibition in Paris and gives us insights to the magical world created by Jeanne Lanvin.

Alan Rusbridger on Edward Snowden, Social Media and Social Change
The former Guardian Editor addressed TCD Law Society this evening on the increasing importance of social media and free speech.