
Speaking with
With a New Novel in Tow, Kevin Power Talks Privilege and Publication
'White City', the Trinity lecturer’s second novel aims to tackle the post-Tiger malaise with black humour.

Envisioning A Sustainable City With Trinity Alumni
Trinity alumni Vincent Keaveney and Dr Sarah Prichard spoke about how ‘an awful lot of what we do has a major climate impact’.

‘Six Works – Augmented Reality’ Is an Exhibition Like You’ve Never Seen Before
The works of Irish sculptor Eilis O’Connell are displayed via QR code in Wilton Park, and brought to life through your smartphone.

Druid Theatre Delicately Rejuvenated the Words of Eavan Boland
While the live-streamed performances are over, Boland: Journey of a Poet will be available to view on demand until May 2nd.

Trinity’s Choirs Form a Grand Ensemble for a Virtual Concert
‘Choirs of Trinity’ will mark the first time that all of College’s choirs perform together.

The Gate Theatre’s Latest Production Was High-Quality But Ultimately Confusing
The Visiting Hour, a new production from the Gate Theatre written by Frank McGuinness and directed by Caitríona McLaughlin was live-streamed in collaboration with a number of other national venues from April 22nd-24th.

Trinity Festival: A Replacement for TBall During the Pandemic
Trinity Festival is an online alternative to Trinity Ball that will be free to attend tomorrow from 6pm to midnight.

The Rundown on DU Film Festival 2021
DUFF 2021 will run from April 16th to April23rd, showing 11 student films in total.

Without its Annual Show, Fashion Soc ‘Flips the Lens’ on Student Style
Trinity Fashion Society’s latest multimedia project, 'Flip the Lens', launches tonight at 6pm on the society’s Instagram page.

DU Players Shows Win Five Awards at the Irish Student Drama Awards
DU Players hosted the 2021 ISDAs, which ran from April 7th to April 17th.